Customer & Team Safety First – New Gators Arrive at DN Van Lines
John Blackledge Models Face Gator
The safety protocols implemented by DN Van Lines are designed to conform to CDC guidelines and industry best practices with an emphasis on providing our customers and our team the best protection available. Since face coverings continue to be recommended as an effective deterrent to virus transmission, DN Van Lines provides its staff with Gator Masks which are made of a proprietary microfiber which performs well under harsh conditions. The microfiber is breathable, dries quickly and provides extreme comfort as it protects.
The term “gator” to describe the face covering may derive from gaiters which refer to leg coverings used by soldiers, fishermen and personnel for protection and comfort while working in harsh environments. Neck gaiters evolved to provide the same protection for the neck.
In a 2020 study funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, part of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found that neck gaiters and other face masks can significantly reduce the expulsion of small respiratory aerosol particles during coughing. This suggests that various types of face coverings, including neck gaiters, can help to reduce the quantity of aerosol particles containing viruses.
John Blackledge, Branch Manager of DN Van Lines in Jacksonville, Florida in modeling the proper use of the face gator remarked “Keeping the face covering in place is a requirement not an option, so comfort and practicality do matter. These are well received by our operations staff and our customers.”